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Trilojay, Party Band

TriloyJay features musicians who are among the elite in the industry. Their goal is to create something new yet completely familiar to and attune to the emotion of the crowd, TriloJay is always ready to fill the dance floor and keep it crowded till the last downbeat.

TriloJay members are:

Jay Leonard Juatco’s technical ability and creativity has made him a charismatic stage performer and enigmatic front man. Jay Leonard is a musician fuelled by an inner drive and the outward ability to engage an audience. Jay is a graduate of the Berklee College of Music, works with some of the top artist in Canada, US and Hong Kong Music scene and produces advertising music for clients such as Kyocera and AIG.

Jay Esplana, Keyboards / Vocals, completed his Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies on Piano at Capilano University in 2014. Alongside Jay’s musical ability and creativity, he brings an energy and unique personality to the stage.

Jason Nickel is a highly sought after Vancouver-based jazz/funk and rock bassist and award-winning composer with multiple film and TV credits to his name. Although he grew up studying piano, he is capable on trombone, baritone, guitar and drums but his greatest passion has always been the BASS.

Jonny Holisko is now a full fledged member, and the fourth ‘J’ of Trilojay. Hey, the name “Trilojay” implies three members but the three Jay’s couldn’t pass up the opportunity to work with this great drummer. Jonny is a force in the Vancouver music scene.

These guys BRING the party!


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