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Shiamak Bollywood Dance Company

When it comes to Bollywood and dance, one name comes to mind – Shiamak Davar. His achievements have been endless, receiving acclaim from former U.S. President Bill Clinton who said, “The world must see you”. Shiamak believes in the possibility of achieving nirvana through dance. His spectacular choreography is brought alive by his world renowned Shiamak Davar Dance Company who have been featured in various stage productions, Bollywood films and international commercials and events.

Performing and sharing his passion across the globe, Shiamak has choreographed numerous Bollywood blockbusters, represented India at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland and he even achieved the feat of choreographing over 800 dancers for the Closing Ceremonies of the Commonwealth Games in Melbourne, Australia. With the success of his classes in India, Shiamak decided to branch out internationally and currently has dance studios worldwide.

The Shiamak Davar Bollywood Dance Company is known for colourful, vibrant dances and fun interactive tutorials that are sure to make any event a success. The world is Shiamak Davar’s stage; dance is his language; spirit is his instrument and Soul is the essence.

WOW! WOW! WOW! So High Energy. So Talented. People are talking about them for a week after the conference.”

Jeannie Boyes, JB Productions re Canadian Payroll Association


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