Miss Darling, portrayed by magician Carisa Hendrix, is a 10-time Award-Winning Entertainer featured in the Guinness Book of World Records, Ripley’s Believe it or Not and the star of the Super Channel documentary Carisa Hendrix: Girl on Fire, which tells the true story of the struggle to create her Las Vegas magic show. In 2019 she was the recipient of the prestigious Allan Slaight award and voted Stage Magician of the Year at the Magic Castle. Lucy has appeared on major TV Networks including Penn & teller’s Fool Us…where she totally charmed them both! Lucy Darling, The Mistress of Magic, is the perfect interactive entertainment for online and onstage corporate events.
★ Powerful Visual Magic ★ Playful Improvised Banter
★ Beautiful Sleight of Hand ★ Award-Winning Comedy
“You were a fantastic hit, they could not stop talking about you the whole next day! You made it memorable for everyone involved…I think we will have to look to have you at all of the conferences.”
– Greg Schmidt, Provincial Coordinator for SADD Alberta