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Arnie (Lek’hoosh) Leon, First Nations Dancer & Flute Player

First Nations flute player Arnie (Lek’hoosh) Leon is committed to sharing his culture with all people. He is a member of the Sts’aillers Nation, located in the upper Fraser Valley of British Columbia. The people of the Sts’ailes, meaning the Beating Heart, come from a village halfway up the west side of Harrison Lake. Members of the Sts’ailes take great pride in their culture, ceremonies and spirituality.

Dressed in colourful traditional regalia, Arnie shares his culture through his traditional music. Arnie is also works with children as an Aboriginal Support worker with Delta School District.

In addition to solo performances, Arnie also performs with the White Thunder Dance Theatre. The group promotes First Nations culture within their own culture and with all cultures. Based in Chilliwack BC, the theatre troupe is made up of dancers from all over our province, travelling and performing throughout North America sharing their songs.

In the First Nations culture, the men play the flute to bring themselves back into balance with their surroundings. The calming sounds of the flute provide the perfect soundscape for any event with an Aboriginal theme.

The delicate meditative sounds the First Nations Flute creates the perfect soundscape.


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